Shopping in the city. You have to appreciate that when I was little, one had to drive 100 miles to get to a mall. In my adulthood, I was 70 miles from such a place for most of the last five years, so this living within 1 mile of a mall is simply boggling to the mind. Hence, I have for the most part this year driven to Memphis or Huntsville to shop simple to pretend such a place doesn’t exist without effort, therefore saving my budget.
Somehow shopping new retail isn’t fun for me anymore. I like well done things and in general, we choose our budget not to afford them at retail costs. (there are exceptions aren’t there Angela? That $60 blouse from Rogers has been so worth $60!, I’m thinking so far its down to $1 a wear) It becomes a game when I set a goal of finding something that retails for $8900 and get it for $4300 you see….and yesterday was one of those moments…..I needed a new skirt for a fancy smancy jacket I have for the Sunday school Chirstmas party….the said skirt retails for $59 on sale….but in Memphis, after maybe 5 minutes going through racks it was there, in my size no less, for $4. FOUR DOLLARS and brand new! I love resale! Not that I wouldn’t have accepted a lesser version if it was well made, but this was THE skirt in THE size NEW in a resale shop. That’s simply God’s provision.
I am all about those who wish to spend retail, if it fills your cup, go for it, but it doesn’t mine. Its not about judgement, or holier than though budgeting, its simply me. We went to Kirkland Home in Corinith last night, I love that place L.O.V.E. it. There was a sign that said “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain” and that may be my themesong this year. My own version would read more like “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass….its about hearing God’s music in the storm and dancing through it” but no one asked me to edit or wordsmith it did they and kirkland’s doing quite well without me…..
My child, the youngest, like a collectible horse collection, $100-$300 apiece…..not on our budget sheet, but by careful watching, I found a Dillard’s going out of business and found a herd of them for $10 apiece…so she got 3 which was within her budget. Same horse, different price. That’s what its all about.
This Christmas I wonder how it is we silly people do so often stress and spend money to prove love to someone or to try to express appreciation for them when what they really would like to know is why you love them and to appreciate why they are meaningful to you. Over the years I have tried to purchase the appreciation, but the old fashioned way works best, either tell them yourself or write it down and mail it to them…..words of affirmation are so rare in this life and we all need validation that we are indeed worthwhile and meaningful.
God is good…..I am thankful and I cannot tell you how blessed I am!
I so love the hunt of finding something “off the rack” priced. I love our resale stores and avoid retail. I love sales with coupons and doorbusters the day after Thanksgiving. I never liked shopping before I discovered resale stores. It’s like a treasure chest – you never know what you’ll find.