So they all arrived at their various locations after yesterday’s travels. Chase is in the hunting woods and Les is with his Mom in Oklahoma. I am home awaiting my friend’s arrival from Arkansas…its been a quiet morning, baking, straightening, and relaxing….a good by the fire morning.
My devotion this morning warned of allowing one’s heart to harden. I am so aware that this year my heart has hardened, the custody issues, the frustrations with so much change at once…..but I am actively seeking to keep my heart soft and kind….this season is so hard for so many…and truly when love is focused from the center of our decisions and our forgiving…there is much less ugly to hold onto…..even in the smallest ways.
We all want to be loved, and accepted….and that is what I seek to do with everyone.
God greatest gift to us was to love us….and to give his love in the form of his son….a hard gift to release…..his own son…
makes my issues seem minute.