Today is a hurried morning….raining….a Monday morning…a lunch to prepare and take with us on a day trip. You know the kind. One child to school, one child homeschooled, travelling with me today. A puppy to handle, forgotten projects to deliver. Schedules to keep and chores to do before leaving for out of town for the day.
This morning, as much as my flesh screams…”skip your devotional time” I know in my spirit, that God is calling me today….whispering “come to me, let me still you.” My time with God has recently changed for study time….God is trusting me to set the time….for a while, He woke me up at 4:00 am. everyday because I kept asking Him to help me find him….be careful what you ask…He does answer. Meeting at 8:00 a.m. I am ever amazed at how many things come at 8 to try to get me off track….the phone, UPS, a neighbor stops by….there are forces that come against my time with God every day….and if I am not careful….I go right down the path after them like Jeremiah Puddleduck.
“Draw near to me and I will draw near to you” echoes in my mind this morning….calling softly as so many interruptions continue to come….8:07….phone…8:15…door….so this morning, at 8:45 the phone turns off, the t.v. turns off and God and I will have our quiet time before I leave on the road to Tupelo. It’s a choice…..and fellowship with our Lord is worth the time.
28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.
God is doing wonderful things for me, just writing about Him this morning has indeed brought peace to an otherwise hectic start of a hurried day. He has reminded me that it’s important to take time to listen to a friend in need on the phone….and that He is understanding and forgiving as we rearrange our time together….and that alone is worth running back to Him!