I am from the rural deep South and one of the things I value about my rural upbringing is that in my small hometown, people have life-long relationships. I am blessed by the presence of decades long friends…so
when I say Reliable Resource #RR (Twitter hashtag) as a product, service, person, or event…I mean that I personally wouldn’t risk saying they are worthwhile out loud without serious first-hand knowledge. You see where I’m from the newcomer in town may have lived there forty years in the same house…so you have to live with a poor choice for a long time if you recommend the wrong introduction or without regard to caution, recommend something or someone. Integrity matters there with a capital “I.” After all the nearest variety stores were one hundred miles away and even the local gas station’s 3-aisle store, our version of the superstore, was over eleven miles to town. Some popular media companies have made what we’d say in the South – “The Dog and Pony Show” a multi-billion dollar industry and they are laughing all the way to the bank while many times, they are leading us to a poisoned water, as though we’re silly cows who will drink any koolaid offered. Have you tried to feed a cow something they recognize as not their flavor lately? They don’t drink it when they are aware you’re feeding them stuff we usually shovel out of the barn. In my neck of the woods the boots to the left are used daily to clean up after such things in a barn. As country folk, we learned to look where we put our foot or to move the hay covering before sitting. Things are not always what they seem. The warmth may look cozy, but it may be steaming for an entirely different reason. Folks need to know where solid values are supported, we like to say the folks to folks conversations on the front porch will make or break you in business and it’s absolutely true.
Today’s front porch is real time media, and thinking folks like @MichaelHyatt @PWilson, @USAA, @LollyDaskal @Allyson7Lewis, @LollyDaskal @Bill_Roddy, @Cybraryman1, @TomWhitby @Classroom2.0 @VistaPrint @SmallBizLady, @DeborahMersino @FSonnenberg @GailHyatt and so many many more are sharing important concepts and ideals. Others like @MackCollier, @KateTLewis and so many others share the skills they’ve learned in meaningful ways without expectation in the open forums except conversation. They know learning to learn matters, and they share what they’ve learned. They help bird-dog point us to things that need to be addressed as surely as my lab does, even if she has to bring the problem literally to my attention. I so value @AlliWorthington and her husband for that in their scoping what matters in legislation often. I appreciate that. I bet you do too. It helps to have leaders who identify important concepts, who empower us. Thank you. You don’t have to have a PR machine to speak what you know out into space, let’s use our voices to support integrity. Change is coming and “we need to be paying attention” as Mr. Bullock would say. You don’t have to agree, we just have to agree that it matters to discuss the important choices we’re making for our resources in leadership. I am not into politics, I don’t want to debate who is who, but I do care greatly that quality people, products, and processes are rewarded with our business, attention, and support.
So if you hear me say someone is a Reliable Resource or tweet #RR, you can bet that I have personally experienced or vouch for my dealings with that person. It’s not a made for TV version for marketing either…Les and I have built our family and business on
the premise that we want to cultivate projects that empower people. I thank @JenniCatron for that reminder of my roots, her vision realized in CultivateHer. Jenni reminded me that cultivating ourselves means hard work, planting for a harvest in our own lives and our children’s. We are responsible to grow ourselves then each other in community. It was a foundational launch of a great early morning meeting, that reminded myself who I am and whose I am…a country girl from the rural South who believes in putting on her boots and working out the messy parts of brilliance. (by the way, I’m the mule pulling the plow, not the girl in the house watching the workers) Life is messy, but relationships in business, products, and services shouldn’t have to live there with intention.
<warning…Southern girl on her soapbox….lesson plan from the hard school of life>
Tune in! None of us has time, money, or life to waste, we only have one to live to the fullest of our intentions. If we all work on encouraging those who value integrity and start walking in integrity ourselves more consistently, we will support an environment for change. People like @SarahLCook and @RachelAnneRidge who have spent countless hours helping moms learn skills to support home. People like @LucyAnnMoll who minister to hurting, broken leaders of women…and the women they lead. People like Thelma Wells @ThelmaW who gives me personally the courage to face anything I face through her excellent writing. Folks like @TheCoffeeKlatch who help us find help. These folks matter. Supporting the protection of our youngsters hearts and heads, and engaging in excellence with even the smallest things that we do matters.
If we learn to give more than we receive, my guess is that like my rural neighbors, life will just be worth living. Big is not always better, small is not always an advantage. Weak is often truly strong. Where integrity, hard work, clarity of purpose, and pardon is asked for when mistakes are made, life can be engaging. When we engage in a good dose of thoughtful awareness of those around us, we can choose and support values that we’ll be glad to call our own. We’re not asking nor do we want ugly call outs, perfection, or painting difficult days to turn out swell, we’re simply asking for you to recognize #RR Reliable Resources when you know they have worked for you and let’s help make things happen for folks who work hard to do right things for right reasons. Produce exceptional products, or are have such rare gifts as artisans that one should recognize their value and quality.
My husband has served in many wars, he’s currently home for the first time for Christmas in many years. We.are.civilians. He chooses to serve our Department of Defense. It matters. There are places and people that need to be defended and there are reasons we need to stand our ground in the U.S. Despite the popular rhetoric, we still have an amazing country, and its time we took back our homes and our towns where values are concerned. Our home has decided, we’re firmly committed. Basics matter, and it’s time we simply begin to do what we know to do to refocus where our homes and communities are going.
Will you join us?
You make some wonderful and enlightened comments here that I would love to shout from the mountaintops. Not only doing what is right, but SUPPORTING it opens us all to a quality of life that can hardly be found elsewhere. To be proud of ourselves, our actions and our mission in life creates a self-awareness and self-confidence everybody needs – even us grownups.
Thank you for a great post. I’ll be back to read this one often!
My friend Kate,
I cannot wait to hug your neck one day. I so love your heart and your kindness to me. You, my friend, are the blessing.