The jig is up….its official….ten weeks of getting up at 3:58 or so is about to wear me out. Actually its not the getting up at that time, its the not going to bed by 9:30-10:30 p.m. or so I am used to! It seems each night there is something that has to be done that keeps me up to 12.
Summer schedule means that my household stays up an hour or so later and loves it. Son2 and I though are facing early morning schedules and he has suddenly learned why Mom loves going to bed before 10.
Today my friend Paige is going to Birmingham with her husband and young son to be further educated on Diabetes I that their sweet son has been diagnosed with. Please keep them in your prayers….its a hard thing to be a nurse and to know the importance of learning to balance all that is involved in a young child’s sugar levels….and to take in all the changes they are facing. God is God and I know that He has them absolutely in the palm of His hand…..pray with me that He gives them wisdom and favor in all that they face as they learn the doctor’s orders. I’m personally believing that God healed this child on the cross…and that he is full of health and wisdom all of his days! She is our much loved youth director at our church and this is Bible School week…so you know that they are running on fumes energy wise already!
Let me tell you, showing up to my office this morning, somehow it is only appropriate that the she she slippers be purchased for this oooohhh la la space in my life. You know the ones, the type that Oliver’s wife wore on Green Acres….the ultimate girly girl accessory, the “I’m not ashamed that I’m a feminine wife” ones. Of course some would say my cooking takes after her too when they taste my homemade biscuits…but that’s another story….Who knew they came in a plethora of colors to accessorize with!
My office is only 6 x 10 or so but Dh has it so cutified its really beginning to feel like my special getaway place. Of course, it rather tickles me already when I am talking to a big truck service provider and I’m interviewing their manager/owner in my monkey silk pajamas… one ever told me the perks of working at home. Truth is though that until I started this 3:58 routine with God I used to get up, shower, makeup, dress before I left my room. Now I wait until after I’ve dropped off Son2 to football at 5:30, then quickly get the rest of my act together….best as I can, before the rest of the troops wake up.
Today is God’s day….I pray that you will walk in His favor, His freedom, and His plan for your life!
hugs hugs hugs,
Today’s verse that leapt out of the Bible for me:
Psalms 103 Verses 1-5
Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart I will praise His holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Is this not the BEST news? I am forgiven, healed, redeemed, crowned and then on top of that he fills my life with GOOD things and renews me with youth! Now that’s a life plan I can so get behind! Talk about a life coach with the most! All God asks in return is we personally love him and choose to obey Him, that we turn away from our own ways of sinful choices….that we come to him with our every need and believe that he is the One True God and allow Him to love us.
For a girl who loves “deals” I think being saved from sin, sickness and death and given the life God has for me is the best deal of all!
Oh Oh Those are my dream slippers. I have always loved the foo foo slippers. Mr. Goofy used to sing the Green Acres theme a lot, perhaps I should rename him Oliver?