After spending a considerable amount of time getting over my self hosted pity party yesterday morning over missing Blissdom, pouring over the Blissdom links and pictures of the good time I did not get to attend, I did what any well bred Southern woman would do…..I went shopping and colored my hair. One bottle of hair coloring later and a set of cute pens for my writing, I was back in a reasonably tolerable place. I even got the two step hair kit, so later today I’ll do the highlights part of it. Of course, it was little help to my new found better place when daughter Madison said “My gosh mom, your hair looks SO much better, it was really about 5 different shades if you didn’t count the gray” “You let me out in public for weeks that way?” I say….and she said “we have to take baby steps mom, just be proud it fixed” …my twelve step twelve year old’s wisdom.
Meanwhile, exciting things came of two conversations later in the day. One, I’ve been asked to expand my Growing Into Lovely writing space as a site where blended families, stepmom’s and friends of blended families can read first hand accounts of what a Christian blended family faces in raising children. I’ve been writing about the journey of our blended family for over six years now, but to move the writings to a site specific to that topic, well, that’s a new thing. If you visit here, please be aware, we’re a work in progress and for the next six weeks, many changes will be taking place.
So the evening ended with my husband grilling burgers and we settled down to a quiet night eventually. …of course quiet is relative when Dixie Mae
is in the house….not to mention the fluff dogs really do.not.appreciate. a new “common” dog in the house, they are strictly a boutique dog clique. In Bingley’s opinion Dixie Mae is hopeless….even when he dressed her up, she couldn’t pull it off as well as he did (Bingley is a tad bit too into his clothes)
God is good, and loves us all, even on pity party days!