Today was a big day. We loaded up to the cornea specialist in Huntsville and looked forward to good news. Well, the good news is that after 9 days of this, its not any worse. What they know is severe cornea abrasion, severe dry eye with no known originating experience. What this means functionally is…
Yesterday Les spent the day removing everything from our bedroom, scrubbing it down, and then vacuuming the ceiling, fans, etc. By nightfall we were able to return me to our room and I didn’t have a response. We were told to throw away all makeup, rewash all clothes, and scrub all surfaces with ammonia. I…
Saturday, August 29
Les is home. Words cannot express how much this helps. I woke up today with no pain, then I opened my eyes. ugh. Today is better, I am staying in the dim light, not trying to use my eyes more than 10 minutes at a time. Les has scrubbed our bedroom and bathroom suite and…