When I came home from teaching full time, my mother was dying, we lived thirty miles away and my children attended a school yet another 20 miles in the other direction. I came home kicking and screaming truthfully….it wasn’t my goal and it wasn’t my desire. Eventually I obeyed God’s call to come home.This year…
Finding the “Ahhhh” again..New Growing…
When I came home from teaching full time, my mother was dying, we lived thirty miles away and my children attended a school yet another 20 miles in the other direction. I came home kicking and screaming truthfully….it wasn’t my goal and it wasn’t my desire. Eventually I obeyed God’s call to come home.This year…
Mother’s Day 2009
Can you say 1980’s? The women pictured above are two of the strongest women I have ever known….and then there’s me. Aunt Jean, on the left, was my father’s sister. She struck out on her own at 16, leaving on a train. Later, home in her late twenties, married, then became a widow with…