A good while ago I wrote about my journey to leaving the princesshood of my childhood as my daughter was born and entering into Queen Motherhood…. http://creatingajoyfulplace.blogspot.com/search/label/being%20Queen%20Mother my friend’s beautiful young adult Samantha (Sami) corrected me last July to say I was not the Queen Mother of my friends and joys, but the Queen Mum….
Prying my fingers off…
If you’re ever around me in real life for very long you’ll understand two things about me pretty darn quickly:1) I’ve probably never been considered shy, or a shrinking violet2) God somehow wired me with a high voltage energy source best plugged into something to burn it off ….for when I am still long enough…
Becoming the Queen Mum…
A good while ago I wrote about my journey to leaving the princesshood of my childhood as my daughter was born and entering into Queen Motherhood…. http://creatingajoyfulplace.blogspot.com/search/label/being%20Queen%20Mother my friend’s beautiful young adult Samantha (Sami) corrected me last July to say I was not the Queen Mother of my friends and joys, but the Queen Mum….