It was not a good day, Monday, no, it was not a good day at all. Son1 who hoped to be leaving for college, not only got his things packed, his tires done, his license renewed, but he also go the phone call that his dorm room 8 hours away no longer existed in a…
It was not a good day, Monday, no, it was not a good day at all. Son1 who hoped to be leaving for college, not only got his things packed, his tires done, his license renewed, but he also go the phone call that his dorm room 8 hours away no longer existed in a…
This morning we’re getting our 19 year old off for his freshman year of college in another state. Its rocky this morning, his dorm situation is still in the air, we hope to know before 10. He is out licensing his car, getting new tires his dad, grandma and granny bought for his birthday with…