Yesterday I was privileged to accompany a person to an office as the professional was offering to make some major life changing helps for the person and their family. Like a scene from a fairy tale, an offer of a change of direction for the problems they are facing was offered….not just a bandaid, but…
Messy Hands….
An acquaintance of mine recently related the work we do with couples and families as choosing to get your hands messy with the hard part being to decide when the mess has turned into a quicksand mire and you paralyze yourself as well as them. Boy did this ring true. Help is only help when…
Have you seen….
Seen the new black/white graphic paper stuffs at Wal Mart? Back to school supplies are SO fun! I may even shop there again if I can find such cute stuff to match my office! Wahoo Bentonville Buyers! I was headed for something else and spotted these enroute out the door! Nothing like a little freshness…