Too much of anything is….well too much. Don’t believe me? Think of anything you truly love, you get excited about, that you divinely enjoy….and think of that being delivered 24/7 in your life, or unlimited amounts of it as in a white truck delivering unending deliveries of it….how much of your life have you not…
The Eureka Moment…
As a strategist there are moments that simply reveal clarity. As I interview and question teams or individuals, I learn much about what it is about their business intentions and processes that they seek to fulfill. My role often then is to narrow the focus then align the actions to support that intention. The last…
What is expected?
The last few weeks I have been thinking and re-thinking a statement made to me. The statement was “We all expect something from every relationship, the sooner we disclose to ourselves what each action is intended to create in our lives, the more at peace we become…as we become cognizant of our true motives and…