Memorial day brings memories of families coming together, barbarque, and trips to honor those passed before us. In my childhood I was blessed in that both sides of my family, my mother’s and my father’s parents came together for holidays in one household. My Pappy Nunnally was widowed at a young age, so often my…
Michael Hyatt’s Platform is here!
Michael Hyatt, blogger, speaker, and author’s new book Platform is here! Michael Hyatt, the chairman of the largest Christian publisher in the world, Thomas Nelson Publishing, has brought us an exciting pragmatic book on how to build your public presence platform as he has at In the last nine years Michael has simply learned…
Change is constant
The children just arrived home from a week in another state. Changed plans, schedule rearrangements, and unexpected outcomes are part of the blended family plan. It works best when we work together and in this case it means changing visitation to July after a cross country move for their other parents. I love that we…