Are you an achiever, on a mission to create something magnificent? Maybe that’s a goal to make your parenting better, perhaps its a money focused goal, or even a perfectly planned event…. Are you in a life quest to create the business or project? Really?
It’s as though God himself has allowed me to play among the levels of business the last eighteen months for a bird’s eye view of life. It would be easy to believe, say, at the beginning of a business that well, those “million dollar entrepreneurs” have something the beginner doesn’t have. The answer is yes they do, but the items they have may be a complete surprise to the one beginning. Here are a few of the notes I’ve taken on a few of my favorite successes….at every level of business and personal success:
- Business without working and serving people you enjoy and have fun with is futile. Lesson learned from @AllanBranch and @StevenBristol as I watched and helped out at #LessConf 2010…For two years now they have continually shown that the basis of their success is that they combine excellent services and skill sets with a continual nod to making sure that they engage with people not just profits.
- Leaders learn what is involved, they may not continue to do tasks forever, but a working knowledge of your business components matter. Most of what has to be handled in the beginning can be learned from YouTube, Mp3s, or the wealth of free teachings on the internet….likewise, 2 solid hours with a 1:1 or small group on a specific goal can solve most issues in software, hardware, finance, and life on a blog/website or lets you know where to go to get the solve and appropriate prices to do so. @Peldi @LollyDaskal @StevenBristol @RandyElrod @SarahLCook all are humble learners yet powerful teachers and leaders.
- You become who you get comfortable with being. Are you holding onto beliefs that are comfortable but not accurate to your abilities now? Are you more willing to seek comfort than get comfortable with becoming a new you? @DavidBullock of CEO Mastery Series taught this rich lesson….an engineer by training, he looked at the systems he continually was hired to correct, and applied the same thinking to realizing he was extraordinary at helping CEO’s and large companies align their business systems. @ThelmaW has a lifetime of successful leading in multiple settings because she recognized growing people is a gift of hers.
- Most of what would work in your life would reveal themselves if you embraced your already existent gifts. Too many, too often, have accepted someone else’s idea of what they are best at as opposed to embracing what they enjoy most as a possibility for career focus. I hear time and time again “when I stopped trying to ….and embraced what was simply enjoyable from my life experiences this path came forth” @RandyElrod @SarahLCook @MichaelHyatt @JesseLamb @Dave_Carpenter are all examples of this reality at varying stages of their found paths….
- If you are experiencing repetitive walls in multiple scenarios, then perhaps YOU are the common factor. Self Sabotauge, Ineffective Environment, …many great minds and talents are trying to work in an environment that doesn’t “get” them or have the aptitude to appreciate their gifts. Where is your nest? Where are the people who “get” your work or your you existing….if that answer is “not here” then virtually, physically, or emotionally find a new space.
- Keep your goals your own. Folks spend a good bit of time telling me that I should this or that….Be who you are, not who they wish you to be. @StoreEnvy, @WooThemes @LessAccounting, #GTChat #TCK Southern Lady Magazine, @Cybraryman1 are all great examples of this philosophy, they all have created their businesses to support their own goals, their own way….not mimicking something they are not. @SmallBizLady is another strong example of this.
Somehow I believed when I first began on my own in business that when I met or worked with million dollar clients or agencies, they would be somehow “different.” The joy has been that they are simply folks too….sometimes more successful by positioning, other times by hard work and achievement, and yet other times simply because they set the goal to be and when that didn’t work, the failing of that project lead them to new perspectives in a project that worked! Whether it was a recent start up I had the privilege to work with that quickly reached a 60 million bank evaluation, a speaker who is expanding his or her audience, a creative’s company, or a traditional business setting…the basics matter. Without core elements of your beliefs, existence, practice, and business in alignment….there’s trouble ahead.
Most of the off shoots of finance, cash flow, and long term sustainability of your life and your business existence are hinged upon this alignment. Each of the Fortune 500 and above clients will readily engage that this was an essential element of their growth to where they live now…and a continuing theme to tweak in their lives. When I am privileged to have conversations with my clients and others personally, each one continues to say the answers to their current issue is always found in returning to refocus the basic premises of their goals….and that’s true regardless of their income and happiness level.