The path of a blended family is sometimes challenging. When Dh and I married almost thirteen years ago we had four children ages five to sixteen, we lived at that time, six hours from one another, and our children had met each other exactly twice when we decided to marry. (it was either marry or…
Between Us Girls
When the answer is “it doesn’t”
Have you ever held onto something or someone well past their value in your life? This week at #TheTackyBrownHouse it’s been an exercise in “now why is that here?” thinking. We left our home in Arkansas which had 4100 sft, to move to Northern Alabama to a home that was going to be “temporarily smaller”…
Good Enough
This morning I look at the credenza in my living room and see three shelves worth of photos of folks I love. Captures in frames of moments in our lives and reminders that each of us are connected. I also see one frame sitting empty, a testament to a moment in time lost. It was…