Each week a group of ladies meet on a virtual coffee break. Rachel Anne Ridge, of Home Sanctuary, encourages fellowship by sharing small steps each weekday to make your home a sanctuary. On Fridays we enjoy gathering for a virtual coffee with Rachel Anne Ridge’s “Company Girl Coffee“…will you join us? This time of year…
Growing Into Lovely
Integrity Matters…100% of the Time
When I work with small businesses and entrepreneurs there is often a conversation about what they should offer for FREE to engage someone’s email on their list, to entice someone to work with them as a company, or to try their product. Personally I’d rather be asked about a list and told “when you join…
Making It Mine Lesson #7
Sometimes you just have to allow the pain. Friends disappoint, sad things happen, or unexpectedly something is simply gone. Too often in this go go go world we do not allow the season of mourning. I can remember when my first husband left. We were in graduate school, I had summer finals the next day….