“You’re ruining my life…..my gosh mom…no one else’s mother expects the trash to be taken out E V E R Y day” “I bet so and so’s mother doesn’t ground the for a C” “My life is over you know…..no one else at 15 has to do what their parents say” “I guess you know…
Making It Mine
Teenage Rebellion
Teenage years bring many joys and sometimes more challenges for children, stepchildren and mothers. When my older two were young teenagers, they had been raised in an environment where no one dared speak back to a parent….so their method was passive agressive pay backs. However with my oldest natural son, he has thought since birth…
Friday thoughts…
Yesterday, my new friend wrote a blog about the Lenten season and her thoughts on how we should take this period before Easter to reassess our actions and intentions…..good stuff….I spent the day pondering her questions on if I were spending my time as I would if it were my last days. These last few…