Part 2 of Daring past doable… What if we erased the concepts of time, money, distance, experience, need and started from desire? Desire almost comes almost a forbidden word for most of us. We were taught better than to tarry there, at least in the South I was. Too often anything seen as outside the…
Making It Mine
Daring Past Doable
In my life Dh and I have a language that we use when we are considering choices. We often talk of what it is that we’re interested in learning, in doing, in purchasing, or making an intentional change. We come from a pragmatic mindset that in the end, the goal is to be good stewards…
Small comforts often denied
One of the realities of living through a year long renovation is that you begin to appreciate small comforts and live with discomforts you cannot change. Our 1955 home is on top of a slight hill, about six miles from the urban life we lived a year ago. It’s presence found after looking much further…