Yesterday was one of those days you wish you could repeat more often, it was simply motivated…..I don’t know what precipitated it, or why it was….but it was great to get meals in the freezer, meals to share with a friend, and a good meal on the table…and to enjoy dinner with our family. Home…
Making It Mine
This morning the rain came down and continued all morning, apparently the rain has some kind of cooking blessing in it for we’ve made 10 lbs of chicken quarters into soups, casseroles and dressings, a venison pot of vegetable soup, 60 homemade rolls and a pan of grismill cornbread. Yahoo. Food cooling for the freezer…
Today is the last day of Christmastide and its a good day. Chase is home now, as is Madison and we think Lesley Jr may be heading home tonight or tomorrow for a few days. Good stuff these family times. Today I am heading out to a property of a friend of mine’s. He’s more…