Its not my quiet Monday morning. Chaser woke up ill today, dear husband is in Colorado, and even Bingley is fussy today. The morning will be one of home blessing chores and cooking. It is always a good day for me when I have chores that can allow me to start them and finish writing…
Making It Mine
Dh and I drove around Madison, Alabama this morning and enjoyed an hour driving together. We scored a Caphlehon pan for .50 cents and a fall plate for apples for .10 cents. I think Dh was most pleased with a $1.00 5 gallon camoflouged hunting seat bucket for this afternoons dove hunt. I’d say that…
Thursday night was date night for Dh and I. We went to Red Lobster’s for their Shrimp extravaganza…..and loved having the one on one time and disliked the food greatly. It was so poorly done we both agreed its a never never place to go to dinner again. Today is Friday and one for which…