The ballgame last night was a humbling experience. 41-14 and son didn’t see a play. How often do we do that in our own lives? Prepare our own way, suit up, spend time we never knew we had, work hard and exhaust ourselves, then find out, it wasn’t the game God had for us. Boy…
Making It Mine
LIfe Check….
So this morning I get Dh off on a roadtrip to take son1 a bed, two chairs, and kitchen things. He’s made it through his classes yesterday and today and he sounds truly excited about his new life at college. The hit of the day this morning was discovering he had a dishwasher! Wahoo! I…
You Are An ENFP The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You’re quite the storyteller! In love, you are…