We made the trip to Memphis, and after an hour’s delay on their end, Son2 was in the car and we were heading home. When Son2 got there, his father literally didn’t speak, nor acknowledge greetings, nor answer questions….I simply didn’t exist. So sad. I just hate it for him….Meetings are usually quite pleasant, but…
Making It Mine
Wahoo! Saturday workings…
Tomorrow after church I get to go get Son2 from summer visitation at his father’s in Arkansas. Yeah team! We’re meeting in Memphis!We went to the Point Mallard fireworks program. It was my very first large fireworks display and I loved it! It started downpouring just at the end after the last burst and we…
Yesterday we spent the day doing alot of nothing. First to the Farmer’s Market to get fresh vegetables was a delight, then Dh and I wandered a used store or two where we found D2 a kickin neat skirt set that she thought was “cool” then business errands, then home to rest. However in the…