Good Morning Girls!!! I know you’ve already seen Rachel Anne Ridge’s Video here and I can tell you it was a GREAT story in person too!!! I was so privileged to be in that audience to experience first hand Rachel’s sharing and God’s caring through her voice! This week was the first I have spent…
Making It Mine
Recognizing What’s Important and Why….
There is this continuing struggle within my mind to keep first things first. I am not an optimal manager of a zillion things at once…in fact, though I multitask on levels most folks would be horrified to have to face….I simply prefer to focus one thing until its finished. I enjoy giving attention to detail…
The Evidence is In…..the Burgular is Caught!
We’ve had a rash of ripe tomato disappearances in our garden boxes…..each of the children have vehemently denied their participation…..though all four of our children and several of their friends are serious tomato lovers….but this morning I snapped the burgular in action…. and there is absolutely no remorse from the guilty party… . but then…