Hello Friends,
It’s been a great week of blessings in our home. Baby Grace is one week old today and Mom Kelly and baby are doing well. Son Chaser is now a college freshman and Madison began high school this week. Whew, life is changing!
I’ve spent a good bit of time this week reflecting on how often we simply forget to celebrate each blessing in our life. This week the birds have sung louder and the flowers have bloomed a bit brighter as God brought each to my mind to realize that their very presence in our lives is a miracle.
While we home school our fifteen year old, I am reminded how hard this time of year is for many financially and emotionally. Children and families face budget hardships and emotional hardships as stories of “what I did on summer vacation” aren’t always happy ones for children. It can be a time of feeling “not enough” for many parents and children. So often we can get into the “everybody get to ______, but me” mindset. Let’s help our children and families remember what is truly important and that we are all so very blessed beyond measure!
On a personal front I am working on less is more still in my work life. I have rearranged hours and chosen to help a few clients find someone who more closely fits their needs so I can be who I am with the clients I choose to work with. I work with authors and speakers, and am blessed to create their marketing, web presences, and campaigns. It’s a big job some days for my national level speakers, but I love working with beginners just as much. You know working from home and owning your own business only works if it works for you. When I take time to make sure there is a good “match” for services needed and personality styles of learning we both benefit! I am fortunate that I have strategic partners who do just that too so we share those clients who fit the other person more comfortably in price, personality or lifestyle. My goal is to help my clients out grow my services…and I am delighted when they do!
Working on narrowing down my wardbrobe again. Seems more laundry is just that, more….so when we help children narrow down to 7-8 outfits for school and 2 for church or dressier occasions it sure helps the laundry pile become more appropriate. They truly keep up with their laundry more carefully and we have less to do it seems. Our electric bill goes down $20-$30 a month too when we stick to that rule because they are less likely to throw off clothes in a pile. With Fall athletics coming on, there will be plenty of pe clothes and gym workout clothes too.
God whispers continue to light the path and I am so thankful that this is a peaceful time of joy and celebration at our home. I hope it is at yours too!