Good Morning!
I am so glad to be home in Alabama today so I can hostess you!!! The joy of being back home again after several weeks of hotels, on the road, and working while the children were gone is immeasurable!
Yesterday schools started for our junior in high school. He has chosen to go to a Christian school this year again after two years in the public high school of our town. I am surprised and delighted with this request (if not devestated at the tuition costs!) but my heart is joyful that our junior is choosing a smaller, more nurturing environment to spend his high school time! We will be homeschooling our youngest daughter, who is 13 now….and I wouldn’t trade time with her for the world!
D2 indeed came home from the summer very much a teenager at 5’2″. I am so pleased that she’s comfortable in her own skin. I think it was not until my thirties that I liked who I was and felt somewhat comfortable with who I am…she’s miles ahead of me….God is so working in her heart and His love through her is amazing!
Tonight is date night, we have not had a night out alone in many many weeks, we’ve often had evenings with friends, but tonight it is just the two of us. I am excited to be going to the movie, we’ve opted for dinner with the children at home (done special) before hand, so we are keeping on budget. Last night’s family night lasagna and french bread was a hit with a movie with our teens and college boy, so they requested another special meal tonight….which we are happy to comply with!
This week I have been working on two big projects, both of them in areas that I am still learning! I am so ready to be past some of the vertical learning curves I am in right now, but that’s part of learning….doing the work to learn!
I told my husband Les this morning that I must love him more than anything as I stood with hands in a sink full of lasagna foul dishes….somehow cleaning the kitchen didn’t get done when we were having family night and it wasn’t prettier this morning at 5:30 when I entered the arena….I don’t think anyone would ever accuse me of being overly neat. It is amazing to me how 15 minutes in a kitchen can so clean something so messy… always reminds me of God’s forgiveness and washing us white as snow when we ask forgiveness. No matter how awful the kitchen was, as I address each area of dirt, whether it be on dishes, counters, floors, or dripped down the cabinets, when I take time to address each area, and remove what doesn’t belong there, the result is so pleasant….no more sticky, gooey, messes that make me feel guilty…..much like the sin that creeps in my life (sometimes parades with pride in) God, when I will allow him, patiently helps me identify and clean those areas of my heart and mind until they too aren’t sticky, gooey, stress producing messes!
I am thankful for friends who pray for me. At one point I was so overstressed and I tweeted to a friend, please pray for me today, and within hours I knew indeed her prayers were being answered as I was able to focus, concentrate and find a much more peaceful day! Karen Rabbitt, you are precious to me! Is there something you would like Les and I to pray for for your family in our morning or evening prayer time? I would be honored to do so!
God is good, pour another cup and let me hear from you!!!
How true that is!!!! It’s amazing how 15 minutes in the kitchen can help it shine and how 15 minutes in communication with God can help me in so many ways.
I’m glad you are enjoying some time home in AL. I hope we get to know each other more when time allows.
Have a wonderful weekend.
P.S. I love the new name for you blog.
Sweetie, it has been really fun to watch your comings and goings and see how much God has blessed your life this summer! I feel like in a lot of ways I know you so much better! I’m glad that you share your heart in such a real way.
Have a great week!
Sweetie, I am dying to know the story behind the name change of your blog….I must go back a little further in your posts to see if you posted it. I’ve been remiss in stopping in for a visit.
If love means cleaning up disgusting dishes, well it’s worth it, right?? You truly are “Sweet!”