Antique Mommy said it a day or three ago….and the more I ponder it the more I truly think she hit the nail on the head:
“Linus was wrong. Happiness is not a warm blanket, but contentment.” Gotta love Antique Mommy for that one…I actually love her for many of her shared thoughts….though we’ve never met. Fact is, God is working on the same lesson for me. I am so entirely blessed and learning to love the life that God has created for me. I used to hold so tightly to the five year plan. I still believe that making plans on paper is a key goal in reaching them, but God has shown me as well that His plan is much more important than mine! Had you asked me at 18 if I would be the person I am today, I would have straightened you out immediately. You would have immediately recognized a girl with a plan in hand for her life. These days, not so much. I have more goals of what I want in my life than goals of where I wish to be. Goodness, mercy, patience, forgiveness….these are the goals I set now….not the type of car I wish to pursue next ….a cutting garden for my home’s decor entertainment….not the up to the minute electrical gadget….God has changed my definition of success and as much as I prefer things my way, He has abundantly shown me that His way is much…well, its just more purely filled with joy and peace.
Contentment for me is an illusive concept, but this last few years, the years exactly when God called me to come home (a place I did NOT want to be) He has taught me that His plan indeed is for my good. His plans prosper me emotionally, physically and financially. His plans allow for my deepest desires to be fulfilled in life. His plan was for contentment in all things with a desire to fulfil His missions for me…..such as I am, where I was….and still am learning to be.
This time on earth I have come to realize, is more about loving others and your own than it is about anything else. Our Father created us to fulfill the works He created within us, and while we never “arrive”, learning to be content in all things is certainly one of the first interstate exits on the route…..Choose it….slow down for it…..look for it….and accept it is there…..wait for it and strive for it…for God is God and He truly is good.
Spot on girl. Contentment came easier to me later in life and after my kiddo came along. I wonder how much more I might have enjoyed my 20s and 30s if I could have just been content to enjoy my 20s and 30s.
Thank you for your sweet words.
Spot on girl. Contentment came easier to me later in life and after my kiddo came along. I wonder how much more I might have enjoyed my 20s and 30s if I could have just been content to enjoy my 20s and 30s.
Thank you for your sweet words.