Sunday church and out to lunch for a rare treat then drove to Memphis in the rain to pick up son2. Had a chance to meet their father’s new friend and then headed back to Alabama. Son came home with a 2nd cell phone, one his natural father had given him … the natural dad not agreeing with limits we set on a 15 year old’s cell phone time….so I’ll be mailing the 2nd one he bought back to Arkansas today…our house, our rules on that issue. The child has liberal privileges with his phone, but 24/7 is not acceptable. Hard times to be unpopular with a 15 year old….but once again we have to do what is right in our hearts, not what is easy. I’m not his best friend, I’m responsible for parenting him.
This morning its sleeting lightly in our area, they say large flakes are on the way that won’t stick, I hope so, what a dramatic backdrop while I ready the house for Christmas.
Was tickled to find an outlet in Memphis I didn’t know existed. Got 2 crocks for 1.99 and a set of 6 napkins for $3.99. Yeah! Wish I’d of known before hand and would have gotten a friend a set too. I need to explore Memphis more, we meet there so often.
Laundry going in the washer, bathroom already freshened up, breakfast to make for the littlest one….Monday home blessings are indeed waiting….
We had a great sermon yesterday….learn on Sunday, affirm on Monday….my grandfather used to say that about our Christian walk….we weren’t just to sit with new knowledge of what to do, but church was an instruction ground on how to live our lives for God every day of the week. Yesterday we studied 1 Thessolonians and reviewed how we are to praise God and Paul’s teaching on prayer life. I have seen God move directly in situations over and over through corporate agreement in prayer as well as individual’s affirmation of promises God gave us….I so believe in what the Word says…..there are certain promises of Abraham that we are promised as his heirs.
I am thankful today to be home. To be in a happy marriage, to have healthy children, to live in a lovely home, and to have friends who challenge me to think and to grow and love me, warts and all.
God is good…..
I hope you have a great week!
You’re right on the money that we are to parent and not be popular. My stepson doesn’t want a cell phone because he’d rather have the cash for clothes!