Today a friend and I were revisiting a subject that I still struggle with. The topic is accepting your identity in Christ. You see, being the stellar child of my parents (said with a sarcastic tone)….the one who didn’t go to law school, the one who didn’t become the doctor, lawyer or indian chief…well, lets just say its a lot easier to identify my mistakes than my successes.
Its very hard for folks who were raised that achieving titles or degrees and financial accomplishments to realize that God indeed cares not for your title or accomplishments in his evaluation of whether or not you are loveable. That your financial success or stability truly does not define your value in the kingdom. He loves us for who he created us to be, warts and all. He forgives us for that which we ask forgiveness for and forgive in others. He adores us and desires us to be close to him regardless of our pasts or our presents. He wants us to be transparent with Him… allow Him from our hearts, to show him our ugliest parts and then to guide us to finding peace in obedience, and beauty from the ashes of our mistakes.
I have been titled many things in my life….a child beauty queen…. awarded prizes like a Silver Star Girl Scout, Rookie Teacher of the Year, Master Teacher, Teacher Cohort…Mary Kay Director, home school mom….but truthfully….the title I most long to know and hear and have associated with who I am….is faithful child of God….and forgiven….and if I were to pass, I’d want my tombstone to say:
She loved God, she shared that love with others, and she lives with God today.
I am thankful for the many many Christian friends in my life who remind me and help me find peace in knowing how God sees me…..let us all be about the business of loving and accepting others and forgiving them….and walking beside them until they can love themselves….why is it so easy to forgive others, but forgiving ourselves is much harder?
“My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back, you can be sure that woever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgivenss of many sins” James 5:19
“The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given, and you will receive even more. To those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given yet.” Mark 4:25
May I listen well and continue to seek my identity in Christ and not the world.
these words could have come out of my own mouth…I struggle so much with the fact that God loves me and has forgiven me. I continue to beat myself up constantly! It’s so hard to let go of old habits.