What is worse than being asked to spend a chunk of change for a new service, personnel or product without actual experience with it? An integrity based product or service has no fear of competition. They know their value, their strengths, and the customers they can best support. They aren’t threatened by the price they ask, because they know the value they bring to the table in a truthful way. Strong businesses understand where they fit in the marketplace, what their market share is and who is above and below them in service, value, and price. How do you earn the trust that your business offering is a value to your client? You give them a truthful taste of your integrity.
When I first began working with marketing and advertising projects that involved setting up mock ups for their graphic arts people I knew I needed the software that would allow me to perform the tasks adequately. The software companies who sold “look alike” graphic formats were many and they offered many reasons why I wouldn’t want to splurge on the “BIG” brand that was suggested was the best choice. When investigating the offers, the components, and the resources each service offered, it became apparent that “THE BIG BRAND” software was best for a reason, it also became apparent why the price they asked for their software was worth the investment. In fact, “THE BIG BRAND” was so sure of it that they provide everyone a free 30 day trial of their product WITHOUT watermarks so that anyone could use their product to afford its purchase if you are a go-getter.
That truthful taste of free software made me a word of mouth solid supporter of not only their brand, but a promoter of their value when it is questioned in my business relationships. They didn’t try to scare me into buying, they didn’t over inflate their offer or capabilities, they simply said “We’re the best because…” They clearly communicated in an educational way why their features mattered and were worth paying the price to engage.
I often work with solopreneurs and/or entrepreneurs. They want to use the “Price is Position” proposition. (code words for I think they have money so I have upped my price..ALWAYS a wrong move, for its not based in integrity) In other words, they think “if I set my price high, they’ll think my value is high.” Usually without regard for the tasks involved, the time involved, the skill level engaged, the risk for the client without their knowledge or the potential of profit for the client. I find the complete opposite is true. When a solopreneur or entrepreneur takes the time to educate their potential on the value of their work and to offer a truthful taste of the quality of their work and/or product for a reasonable price, well it just makes the close easier. No one has difficulty seeing the value of paying money to make money. No one wants a low level proficiency surgeon or a high dollar ditch digger when something else would be more appropriate.
As a business owner and purchase agent for services for many of my professional clients, I want to be able to share my own truthful tastes in experiences with products and services I have bought or will return to buy again and again. My recommendation is a reflection on my trust-ability. I am careful about who and what I refer folks to for that reason. I know that if I say “xyz” is of value because ______” …people are listening, so blanket statements won’t do. The clients I work with range from corporate to just leaving their cul de sac as entrepreneurs…so my experience in knowing what a proper support system or product better be based on more than one level of service. What a corporate in an online and urban setting might need for logo branding may be a completely different fit than what Suzy Q Donuts may need in a rural branding/marketing strategy. Knowing that difference is what affirms MY value.
What are you doing to earn trust in business? How is your trust-ability a value proposition for your business success? How important is that trust in your product or services for your on-going employment or engagement? What are you doing to leave your clients with a truthful taste of your offerings in business? It is my experience that people and companies that succeed for the long run EARN the trust they receive. Whom do you trust in business? What truthful taste began a path and your repeat purchases or service engagements? What products do you put your trust in?
I’ve been struggling with assessing the value on the work I do. I’ve been looking at the fact that I’m a learner in the “cul de sac” stage as a measure of added value. One day, my husband sat down next to me and started throwing out random numbers. We kept getting hits and sales at a rate that I was able to maintain. Now that I’m on vacation I’m in the visioning process of reopening my shop for the holidays. This time I intend to take your advice and factor in the inclusion of a service guarantee. Trust is a value that I can easily add in!
As a customer and one experienced in your product’s value I simply think you RAWK. Our frog eyes head band has delighted children where ever we’ve used it. I believe that you have such a gift for parents of children of all ages. There are so many imaginative ways to use your knees and paws props…and they truly aren’t just for children…we’ve used them as storytellers, as themed day leaders, as story hour helpers…you’ve just got a winner! Bravo for taking time out to think through what does success look like for you two…for none of it matters if it doesn’t work for you!
Thank you so much, your support and love make my heart shine!