Have you ever moved to a completely new area?
Last February we closed on a home in the Northeast Corner of Oklahoma. We’re still in the process of selling a home in another state (two down, one to go) so the last two months are the first I’ve truly spent in our new home and area. Can you say personally dealt with over 2,000 boxes between my parent’s estate, our cottage and the new house? It was an adventure that left me simply worn out for a few weeks.
Small towns are treasures to be explored. Ours is a lake community that serves families that come for the season and for the weekends and holidays. It’s also a retirement destination for many area folks. We moved here for Feller’s work in a nearby industry. It’s somewhat home to his extended family, at least in the area, and we jumped on the chance to be nearer to his folks and our oldest children when a role was offered.
We’re a day away from autumn’s official start. I look forward to seeing the colors of the hardwoods in our area of the Ozarks. It’s my personal favorite time of year as we head into fall and winter. Each weekend we’re exploring the area, seeking out artisans, good eats, and beautiful spaces. So much of my joy is knowing folks, so moving to a place where I absolutely knew not a soul has been a stretching space. Doing that while packing and closing 3 homes in a few months readying them for sales really impressed upon me how important friends and neighbors are. There is just so much comfort in knowing who does what in a town, who to call when something needs doing and where to go when you’re read to plug into simply stepping away and drinking in the beauty of where you are with a friend.
Our children are grown ups now, one still in the nest, so this stage of our life will be a renewing of couplehood, renewing of our personal hobbies and enjoyments, A focus on gatherings and sharing with others. It’s an exciting time of exploring what is and dreaming about what may become.
Where are your favorite local spaces? Where do you love to browse and grab a cup of cocoa? What do you love about where you are and what is it like there? Can’t wait to hear!