The last few weeks I have been traveling all over the United States working with clients. The role of a hybrid strategist is something akin to Nanny McPhee, The Boss, and Mary Poppins all rolled into one. I work with individuals who lead successful lives and businesses. My role is to make those lives and businesses work as smoothly as possible whether it is figuring out supportive systems at the house, or strategic systems in branding and business.
The common theme all clients and our own home face is finding enough.
You cannot live where you haven’t found home. Perhaps success to you is gathering for dinner those you love, having enough money in the bank to choose the food you eat without thought, or a certain number in savings. Life has a funny way of trying to tell you that where ever you are, it is not there yet, that you are not enough.
I beg to differ.
The source of many individuals’ unhappiness is that they are striving for an unknown end. “Enough.” Les and I have faced this giant and we have refaced it several times. You see, for us, enough has a definition now. It is based in knowing that the only day you can truly count on is the one you are living this moment. Enough is what is before you in the next few hours before you sleep…without borrowing the issues of tomorrow and next year or decade. Pragmatically we’re into being good stewards of our resources, but tomorrow is tomorrow, and cannot take over today’s significance in our lives.
Finding enough is very personal. What comforts and gives my soul peace may not be what you were built to know or do. God may have instilled within your heart a very different purpose and therefore a very different “enough.” My enoughs involve a personal peace with my surroundings and relationships, it involves knowing and acting as though people are more important than things. It means that money is a tool, not proof of importance or significance. It means that at the end of the day I’d prefer people over things. Finding enough is a journey each heart mst take for itself. It cannot be defined for you. You must find it on your own.
What are the moments you have found enough? A few of mine are the moments I hold a child close as they sleep in my arms. Choosing to be fully present at a friend’s time of need, such as when their parent dies and someone is needed to simply clean the kitchen and be present. To know that a need was met for a family struggling, when pizza was a glorious meal for date night at home so someone else could eat in theirs. It’s knowing that taking the time for kindness is never wasted.
What are your “enoughs?”Have you thought of your world in that way lately?
Well said, Sweetie.
Enough is the internal peace that gets me through every situation. Enough is playing and inventig the best patty-cake I can do to the delighted squals of my granddaughter. Enough is when a patient hugs me goodbye sadly because our journey together is over. Enough is watching my children grow into fully functional adults. Helpoing a friend through a rough patch.
Enough is what I already possess.
Dear Martina,
You and I are so cut from the same cloth. I love your responses!