This weekend we did our usual trip to our local Decatur Morgan County Farmer’s Market. It is one of my most favorite places on the earth. I was raised in a rural place and somehow going to hang out with our local farmer families makes Alabama feel like home. The community is just taking off, after many years of existing, no longer are folks willing to simply buy if not grown locally many times.
At home we looked at the food previously in the fridge. It was one of those “aha” moments that so often come after one’s mind has forgotten that everything in life is a choice. The fridge had been pushing full with “stuff” …albeit “stuff we ate” but thing we are trying not to. The trash can whistled dixie and in a moment was smiling as so many not so healthy for you things fed its hungry wooden lid. Oscar would have been proud. The result was this vision when I open my fridge…
A little ingenuity and rearrangement of things we already had and my fridge turned into a place I want to live out of. Fresh figs, squash, onions, new potatoes, eggplant. Good times. My fridge suddenly became the show and tell version of what our family’s choices to eat healthier could be. Just opening it gives me such inspiration to cook by scratch. I love simple, elegant meals and fresh vegetables and fruits arranged simply in the basket truly fuels my desire to do so. (my family has appreciated that truth all weekend with the food I cooked Saturday and Sunday for the week!) Eating local inspires me and by health appreciates it too!
What inspires you to change? What inspires you to reach out of your comfort zone?