Yesterday was the final day of finals for son2 and we drove the children to Memphis to meet their natural Dad and new fiancee’. There was a misunderstanding of where we were to meet, but quickly handled and then the unloading and reloading. Mr. Bingley went to Arkansas for Christmas, so there was the kennel and their “stuff” to handle. I may need a uhaul to get them all home. We took the new family car….and it was a first road experience for all of us in it loaded down…..yeah for more leg room and yeah for a son and husband who were thrilled with the choice!
You see, it all started Thanksgiving. Our 6’3″ boy was so crooked in the backseat of the Honda Civic, his head tilted forward to fit the entire 9 hour drive to my Dad’s. He’s torso tall as my brothers and cousin are, we had not realized it since often he is driving with his permit. That lead to “maybe we should realign what we use for a family car to the truck” but then the leg room in the access Toyota tundra wasn’t enough for his knees…and long story short we went shopping. Because my husband believes I am his queen and the children’s queen mum (thanks Sami for the wordsmithing in August) and treats me as such, and because I am a great believer in bargains, so I want the impossible with the unavailable…but again God provided and we were able to buy this.
…for far less money than the Civic….and it though the gasoline costs will increase by 30%, the insurance difference will pay the difference up to $4.25 a gallon of gas….so for now at least we’re in it, it works financially, and it turns out I am totally finding a part of me that hasn’t existed since 1986 when I owned a red Jeep in New Mexico!!
Friday catchups….
So what do my Dh and I do after dropping the children off knowing we won’t see them again until after Christmas???? Do we sulk and cry and gnash our teeth the 4 hours home? Heck no! We go shopping at Memphis bargain shops (Bibles for China, etc) and then find the most amazing steakhouse in Corinth Mississippi and spend an hour speaking soft words of adoration to one another and enjoying that the children are happy to be at Meme and Pawpaws, glad that their family there is intact for a great gathering, and yes, a little sad for missing them already, but knowing that the best thing for all is a strifeless Christmas! Our week alone at home this year is rare, our big children cannot take off work from college and life, so we are home alone for Christmas. Then we loaded up again in the much less loaded Jeep and Dh drove while I serenaded him with snores all the way home…..after all, this girl’s been up at 4 a.m. every morning for a month of Sundays and a girl can just do that for so long (not to mention he cheated when he filled me up on steak)
God has been amazing this week, making ways where there were no ways, providing in surprising and meaningful ways….don’t you just love it when you can so visually see and spiritually know His presence in situations!
God is good…..all the time…..
Tonight’s our Sunday school’s Christmas party……a chance to doll up and see my handsome husband all decked out! God is good!