The best part of summer happened this weekend. My husband and I spent a day alone looking forward like kids to Christmas to fetching our two youngest children home from summer visitation! All summer they have been gone to their grandparent’s home in another state visiting their natural dad and new stepmom. They had a great time, lots of fishing, family time and gatherings, but I can tell you this…I was ready for them to come home!
It’s official!!!! Les, my husband, launched our new business Ministry through Media, which we will work together as my She’s So There provides products in training, web content building and social and multi media marketing that his business helps churches and organizations know what level of help they need. If the client needs someone to come in and actually train, do, or facilitate training, then my company will help with the actual installations, redo’s or creation of social media components for the online presence or website marketing.
We feel like God has delivered something we’ve done for years in a new pretty package that we are so excited about doing together. As our friends would tell you, we LOVE working together! Les will not leave his DoD position for quite a while yet, but through creative use of vacation and earned time off, we’ll work together several clients a month. I will continue to work with the ministries and authors I work with as we build it together.
Meanwhile, our step and blended family ministry is coming along as well. We made our very first ministry DVD sets this last week and we were so truly blessed by David Cooper at Hopes, Goals, & Dreams iTV Studios to be filmed professionally as we begin this series on A Joyful Place Called Home. I also made a teaching tape for my She’s So There LLC business called Viral Networking 101 and First Fixes for Marketing 201. I am so excited to have been able to learn the process…and Mr. Cooper made it soooo easy!
Our college boy has been the joy this summer as he worked, played, and stayed with us. We’re so tickled he’s living here and returning to college locally. I know it will be a blessing to have him home!
Mr. Cooper introduced me to Lite French Vanilla Lattes at Starbucks this week…I’m not sure that is a good thing, I LOVED them! Can’t wait to figure out a home substitute for every morning!
Tell me about your week! I can’t wait to catch up!