This week a very precious thing began happening. As a baby step in following Company Girl’s small steps, I moved my Bible study time each morning to my bedroom instead of my home office. In that schedule change and place change…some special things began happening. Rachel Anne spends 5 minutes per room and 15 in the kitchen as part of her maintenance minimums. Okay, that sounds like a doable thing….so I decided to do the MBR’s five minutes as preparation time to get quiet as I made the bed, spiffed in my MBR for five minutes. One day it mean sweeping the hardwood floors. One day it meant a new way to capture my husband’s always by the bed clothes for laundry….another day it meant shining my bathroom. Our bedroom has never been our sanctuary. Period. Perhaps because we married with four children in a home with one bathroom and six humans. Perhaps because we had 2 girls and 2 boys. But the master bathroom/bedroom concepts never took. …the girls used the master bath with mom and dad, the boys used the hall one when we got to this house.
To make a long story short, the shower in the MB was much more to the children’s liking and we had allowed it….and not made it a place to respect…towels were left, clothes often on the floor…our towels used and taken to places unknown.
This week, that stopped. Dear husband installed a new rain forest shower head and personal sprayer in their bathroom and we put up a “no children unless invited” rule to entering our room and bath.
By today, as the traffic had stopped to our room for 5 full days….and each day I spent 5 minutes in each the bedroom and bath…y’all, the changes were amazing. I do love beauty….simple things…shining the sink…..mopping the floor…..removing old magazines from my sitting area…..reusing what we had differently from other areas….my gosh y’all… feels like a hotel suite this morning…albeit one more from the make mine shabby chic era.
I also will share that during the 30-45 minutes in my Bible study homework time with God….which is about learning to let the Holy Spirit lead you in your Bible time….God has so shown me new things and perspectives……using the chores and tones that I felt with the changes as object lessons in my own and my children’s lives. Y’all!!! I cannot tell you the precious things God has shown and opened my eyes to this week, many of them painful to see at first, but as I allowed the views through God’s eyes to be my own, how glad I was to know what to do to change things….change me…..
And I have to say….and God made ways….God made ways for desires I had to happen. Silly things like Aldi’s had the rainforest shower head on sale for a price we could afford the day I had dreamed of somehow getting the children back to their own space……and gave my husband not only the affirmation that we should do it, but the desire to “do it now” not put it on a to do list for the 12th of never. He installed it THAT night without being asked!! My son, the child who isn’t flowing with verbal affirmations or kind words….spent time not only thanking me for making their bathroom so nice, but also came and loved on me each night at bedtime specifically and noticed verbally the changes. (I’m so a positive affirmations and affections baby….ask me what MY love language is….)
All this to say….simple things…..little things….baby baby steps in choosing to “become MY best me”, to learn to do the things I have so identified and God has identified as important in my personal life……and God is sending so much help….Rachel Anne, The Company Girl’s, Katherine, my friends Sherry, Farrah, and Lori…….they are so being used of God, probably without their knowledge of how for the most part….but each of them have been answers to prayers that I have prayed for the last few months….and I am so blessed by them!