This morning I teasingly told my husband he looked “peaked”our code words meaning “please stay home, I miss you” and its absolutely true. I flat miss that man when he leaves for work every day, but I am thankful he returns home after his work day! So many wives simply take that for granted….that their husband would 1) go to work and 2) come home faithfully every day. 3) that he exists at all and wonder of wonder…..loves me despite me.
Yesterday I finally got my act back together and had dinner on the table when they were to arrive…..except….they didn’t. At 5:30 there was chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade cake, and green beans….but no family. Each had their own specific reason, but at 7:00 I was wondering if I was the lone leftover from left behind…..
I am seeing much more this week and for longer periods of time. Breezes, changes, temperatures, and scents still send my eyes back to a miserable place, but vision itself is returning!
This morning I am going to work on laundry…..reducing writing workloads….and a ducky visit from Miss Stephanie…aka Sissy who is coming over at 10:30 or so….yay! She’ll laugh at my protective eyewear that allows me to begin to do “normal” things again around the house… seems I’m still to avoid eye exposure at all costs, so protective wear it is when doing laundry or cleaning….Its like being the Red Baron as I put on my goggles to go in to that now 6 weeks abandoned kitchen….now where is my dashing red scarf????
God is good!