That’s what they said the first time she visited their area……prolly because she wears panty hose and makes up every day, and wore a skirt with shoes and not jeans with boots……not quite the norm in that part of the state. Or it could be because she set the table with ceramic dishes and not the paper plates on the side of the counter….Poor thing thought grilling steaks and making twice baked potatoes was a welcoming thing for important people in her husband’s life…..not an invitation to be criticized for spending all his money….or a way to make them feel less because she wanted to make a special meal for them the first time they met…..Then she had the audacity to get in her Japanese made car and drive across their property back home 7 hours to the new state he’d follered her to…..and didn’t have the sense to know she’d just offended most of them by being friendly to them…she hadn’t earned that right yet….can you imagine the nerve of her…at 38 thinking she’d by accepted by the likes of them simply because she loves their son, father, grandson and married him and was now going to raise his kids too. Didn’t matter that she was older, fatter, and hadn’t left him like his previous wife had……she was bound to be suspicious…up to something….after all, high fallutin wimmins are….Yep, he married one high fallutin college edumacated woman…..she prolly dranks her water from a plastic bottle too.Seven years later….only the water source has changed…..
she installed filters so the bottles aren’t necessary anymore.
Sweetie…also known as “That High Fallutin Woman”Les married in some parts of the hills
You made me laugh with this post!