The house is quiet this morning. Les is hunting, the children in Arkansas with their other parents, and its just the little black and white fluffs and myself in the house this morning. It is the first quiet morning all week and I am enjoying the fire. Its time for some “me” time, time to enjoy quiet activities that are best enjoyed slow and easy…..for me that will mean taking extra time to wrap a few gifts special….time to enjoy a bubble bath and make my favorite breakfast…
When the children are visiting their other parents, its time to focus on our marriage and take time to do things just for us. For Les that looks like hunting and working with his hand crafted traditional bows. For me it means special dinners with foods the children do not enjoy that set with candlelight will make our dining special. Making time to watch old movies we enjoy by the fire…driving to see Christmas lights together. It’s not the time of year for extravagant spending, but it is the time of year for extravagant living…delivering cocoa with marshmellows by the fire after Les’s work day….baking his favorite pies….taking time to surprise him with a picnic lunch in the truck during his last busy work days…
My fun this month has been to search second hand stores and sales for pieces of dishes. I enjoy picking a pattern and finding 8 place settings then sharing, giving, or sometimes selling them to someone else. I love classic patterns and this month I had the joy of finding a 52 piece Johnson Brothers Regency group for a client, a pattern I love myself, and once purchased and delivered the client put a bow on them and told me “Merry Christmas” its for you! She knew I had always admired her set! How fun was that moment! My friends are so kind to me.
Next week I am delivering a set of Friendly Village dishes to Arkansas to a childhood friend whose grandmother had had the set. Alas only one set and two granddaughter’s, so we are duplicating what she had so bother girls end up with a treasured set from their childhood memories.
Part of my delight in life is finding specific things for people that are hard to find. I love to shop for bargains and I enjoy finding unusual requests. When my father remarried at 73, his bride desired a Chanel ivory suit from the 1960’s and I found it after much looking in just her size 6….we were delighted, only 100 or so of that suit had been manufactured…and she was elegant in it! It had been lovingly kept in perfect condition and we were so excited to find it in New York!
This afternoon I will spend the afternoon writing by hand Christmas cards for friends. I know the world has moved on to electronic cards, but a simple joy for me is to put in my own handwriting sentiments for those dear to me…I know I love receiving cards …and they are a delight to come home to…thanks Gerry and Tamara…yesterday your cards were so perfect at the end of my long drive home! Later I may go stroll around the antique district in a nearby town….the rule for today is relaxing…
A simple joy today? Taking time to share with those who are dear to me just how I feel about them on paper!