Ever had one of those weeks…or series of weeks where things just never slow down? Life catches up and simply keeps running past you? Whooo eee, the last few weeks we’ve had hospital trips for my husband, a move for our family business, continuing renovations on the tacky brown house, and now room movements in the Nunnally home in Arkansas. Lawsy mercy, it’s time for a break.
How do you relax? What are the processes you do to still you brain? How do you rest your heart? For me, it’s about finding pretty. It’s about taking time to intentionally engage in nothingness. I often have difficulty remembering just how much I like to be still…so I keep a list of what relaxing looks like to me…
read a book
sit on the porch
warm baths with epsom salt
essential oil diffused in a room
time in my hammock
a long talk with a friend
kneading bread
a long walk
sewing simple quilts
weeding my flower bed
arranging flowers
cooking comfort foods
read the Scripture
listen or play music
write a physical letter
watching movies over and over again
What do you do to relax? Where in your planner or calendar do you set aside time to simply be? How do you pause your life to begin living?