We had dear husband’s birthday dinner last night. We enjoyed Miss Madison’s cake and I enjoyed frosting it. As a family we watched a movie piled up with pillows and then later when son2 came in from football, I did homework projects with him until the wee hours of the night finishing at 5:45 this morning until we left at 7:30 but the projects are done!
Dh decided to turn down a position that would have him moving from his current office. He has been assigned to a project we feel in the long run will further his career more than the current offering. Hard decisions. I am so thankful, we both had peace about saying “no thank you” to this one.
The sparkler candles did not photograph well, but oh the bang for the buck in person, we loved it! It was happy night and one filled with joy….what more can you ask!? Do I not have the most handsome husband? I love his crinkly smile and his eyes simply light up! Dear daughter is sporting her new shorter hairstyle…..she’s having much fun learning to add accessories to this new 9 inches shorter hair!
You have a beautiful family and I love her shorter hair!
You have a beautiful family and I love her shorter hair!