Juggling is what I do most of the time. The other day I was tickled to hear an attorney describe his world as a land of spinning plates that he is entirely responsible for keeping balanced. I can so relate.
This morning I was the taxi driver before 5:30. I came home to a writing project that needs my attention early because later I morph into a church member with responsibilities today! In between times I have learned to do the “habits” those things that may come naturally to others, but after 43 years it still takes an empty underwear drawer before I realize I’m needing to do laundry. To combat this I draw a box and L1 and L2 by my date on the planner. On the good days they get checked, on the difficult weeks, the next Monday has L1 through L6 in one day. Whose life as child of God, wife of him, mother of them isn’t full? We as a couple also work with other families helping them through our ministry “Creating a Joyful Place Called Home” Then there’s the whole keep up my Mary Kay customers part…but I consider that my “me” time since conversing and enjoying makeup matching is fun! When I’m not anyone or anything else, I love making home “home” which means on my budget….find, paint, make, create, redo and love it!
I laughed yesterday as I did a conference call, that the reason I could do it at 4 was because I had dinner already handled so I could work while it cooked. Its so bizarre to talk to those who are working in a “solid business world”…about multi dollar contracts/training/writings when I’m sitting in my mother’s rocker, usually barefooted, while negotiating the proposals.. When one writes, works, or exists from home, you get all the added joys of motherhood and employment at the same times, and every now and then support a person or three in ministry too…I do love it….but it takes juggling. My work load shoots for 10-15 hours per week….my housework load runs more like 20. Then there is homeschooling and chauffering….well…let’s just say a 40 hour week in an office would be easier, but much less satisfying.
My husband, now he’s a one mailbox at a time boy. If you’re talking project, don’t bring up dinner, laundry, or tomorrow’s goals. He is focused on ONE thing and that is whatever he’s working on at the time. Its the male perogative…he does one thing at a time to completion….and does it well. However, God knew that a household would need someone who worked in one mailbox and one who had the whole wall open at once sorting mail. If I did one thing to completion before beginning another…we’d either have food, laundry, transportation, income, cleaning, or parenting, but not any of the others…lol
The black desk for my office is finished today. I get to move it in with the armoire tomorrow night after thoroughly drying. I am so excited…..My office is taking on a look of professionalism that really helps me feel better about being in a 6 x 9 space 3 hours a day writing…..and usually another 2 being the mom, wife, and bill payer..thank you writer…and project superviser during the school year.
I set the next two weight loss goals. I think the most satisfying part of doing this is that as I get healthier I am realizing that I had gained so much at least a part in what I wasn’t dealing with in our life and marriage. We have had the best talks and realizations as we go through this time of surrendering ourselves to God at a different level. As I shed the control and fear needs, the pounds have shed as well. Praise God!
Its 6:05 now, time to start the juggling routine again, writing here is fun for me, but this morning I am morphing into a website content writer for the morning, and when I am done a new site will have their content….and another company will have their proposal ready to sign….meanwhile 2 loads of laundry will have been processed, coffee will have been drank, a casserole will be thawing for dinner and best of all, I will get to be here and ready to be “Mom” by the time my sleepyheads slumber out of their rooms around 9:15 and I will get to love on them and then have breakfast with them after so many years of simply laoding them off to somewhere else!
I just couldn’t decide what blog to leave a comment on. This post deserves LOTS of comments, so definitely needed to leave one. I loved your history highlight on Nester’s post about the Keeping room…ahh…back to the good ole’ days.:) Completely understand the balancing act…love the plates analogy. I am going to have to “borrow” that from you (or the lawyer). I am a home school/work at home mom as well just enjoying the journey.
Balancing beauty and bedlam,
P.S. Love that you are Christmas. I am traditions consultant and they are such the “glue” in a close knit family, aren’t they?
It’s amazing women are spaghetti, everything relates to other things, Men are waffles, one compartment at a time. I can’t do just one thing, my mind is always on something else.