What exactly is it that makes my house and my cars mourn when Dh leaves town? Today I had to run to Huntsville to a court hearing early, then drove our clients home, then came to our home…..for a planned 5 minutes before heading out again. In that entire 5 minutes, which was more like 3, my car’s rear tire was flat as a pancake. No issue thinks me, I’ll use the compresser to hike it up, take it to the corner fuel stop and they’ll repair the tire… yep, I plugged that baby in and WOW….it was like a scene from Science fiction, sparks flew everywhere out of the socket and the entire house and garage (which was where I was standing in the dark now with the garage doors down and not going up) was pitch black. After I managed to navigate the darkness and ultra unorganized pathway in the dark to our stairs to the house, I realized the entire inside of the house was dark too……and shortly there after my cell phone rang asking if our home was dark too? Apparently my fix it by using the compresser to air up my tire plan blew the entire side of the street’s electricity off.
It was about this time that I remembered a) I had a client waiting in now 15 minutes ago. b) that I needed to unload what was in the trunk if I was to find a ride to the next stop and c) that this sort of thing always happens when DH is out of town and the boys are at school or work.
Check for all three of the above.
No wonder.
My company in another state was probably impressed…with only a battery to work with for quite a while…I was VERY productive on the laptop for the rest of the morning…completing even a proposal we hadn’t gotten back signed….my my my…won’t they be impressed with the lightening speed in which we can return the work once they agree to pay for it! lol
I had successfully made it 9 months without the utility companies knowing my name here……almost…..you see back in the day when I was a teacher I became known as that teacher who……well…..there were a few adventures in the classroom……the unexpected collapse of the Panama canal 200 gallon model in El Paso….. that situation with the rainforest animals hanging from the rafters in Dallas, Texas later dragging down a live electrical cord mistaken for a vine……we won’t even mention the chicks that hatched during spring break one year in Fayetteville……or the greenhouse project that nearly flooded a rural town when a child left the water on during the first two weeks of summer…..
we won’t go into details….after all….its history isn’t it? Life’s an adventure and we intend to live it!
Meanwhile dinner by candlelight worked just fine…….