So this morning I get Dh off on a roadtrip to take son1 a bed, two chairs, and kitchen things. He’s made it through his classes yesterday and today and he sounds truly excited about his new life at college. The hit of the day this morning was discovering he had a dishwasher! Wahoo! I asked if he had a trash can…and he said “I suspect I will need one or two of those” , I asked about an alarm clock…and the sheepish sounds came again…and then the familiar “Could you send me the stuff I need, I’m new at this apartment stuff” and hence the truck became much filled with things a Mom knows he needs….and dad with a grocery list for the store when he gets there.
One so young doesn’t realize EVERYTHING costs when you’re setting up an apartment. Aspirin, trash bags, lightbulbs…cascade…….I tried to send everything I could put my hands on….and what I had in the pantry to send….and Dad will fill in with meat and dairy things when he gets there.
Things have been so different for the last 10 months. God has taken me through some valleys of change I didn’t see coming and would not have chosen to go through. The paths of our lives are so different from the sketches we drew as children….I know mine is. Four months ago I was asked to tell someone an availability to do something for their organization…it was not something I wanted to do, nor felt was in my own best interest, but after all, God is God and He wins on those affairs. So it was an Isaac moment, prepared to lay down and be gone with my own plans for me….but then the moment passed, a board said No thank you, and life was strange again. Another position was offered and Dh and I knew in our hearts, despite its financial blessings, it was not our path either. A confusing time, yet we have not been confused, God has directed our steps each step of the way, much to our bemusement…for we never know which direction he’ll send us to next.
This is the infamous year seven of our marriage. I am so blessed to have my dh. He is such my safe harbor in life. I am amazed each month that goes by how little I knew him when we married (after 4 months of dating long distance) and just how God so orchestrated him into my life when I wasn’t looking for him. What a true blessing.
Its a hard time, yet an exciting one. I can see things are changing daily right now. More focus on family, less on the change of being home after three years. Enjoying writing for a friend’s company…and a few of my own clients….yet knowing that too is very fragile…and a path that is new to me…and perhaps one that will have a limited run as they outgrow their need for one such as me….but a time to enjoy it as it is today…learn what there is to be learned and enjoy.
I look outside my office door and those two black and white small dogs are sleeping on my glider, roses blooming all around them, ferns waving next to them gently….they are so relaxed…and enjoying what I do not….that which is right before my eyes…..I think it is indeed time to stop, gather a bouquet of roses from my yard, and enjoy that which is home.
God is good….the day is blessed!
I think I'd read before that you guys only dated for 4 months long distance, but had forgotten. My husband and I have a similar beginning. We met online and chatted there and the phone for two months, then met in person and dated long distance for three months before we married. The first two and a half months of our marriage, we only saw each other on the weekends. It is amazing what God has done and continues to do for us.
Thank you for sharing! I love your writing.
I think I'd read before that you guys only dated for 4 months long distance, but had forgotten. My husband and I have a similar beginning. We met online and chatted there and the phone for two months, then met in person and dated long distance for three months before we married. The first two and a half months of our marriage, we only saw each other on the weekends. It is amazing what God has done and continues to do for us.
Thank you for sharing! I love your writing.
Learn what there is to be learned and enjoy…love that. I always look back and see how God was faithful, but how much better to see Him in the moment…
Learn what there is to be learned and enjoy…love that. I always look back and see how God was faithful, but how much better to see Him in the moment…