Michael Hyatt, blogger, speaker, and author’s new book Platform is here! Michael Hyatt, the chairman of the largest Christian publisher in the world, Thomas Nelson Publishing, has brought us an exciting pragmatic book on how to build your public presence platform as he has at MichaelHyatt.com. In the last nine years Michael has simply learned and learned well. After years as a leader, CEO, father, and publisher he has assembled the essential elements and skills that create a strong product or message platform.
My intention was to simply review this book, but I have to confess, after taking the wee hours of this morning to read and now to listen as well to the book (thanks for the bonuses!) I can simply say that I’m not a reviewer, I’m a raving fan!
Platform is an amazing book and one that I will recommend to every professional speaker, author, or product producer or evangelst as well as require for all my clients. Today is an especially exciting time for Michael will dangle a guaranteed bonus for purchasing the book this week. (May 20-27th) He will provide multiple resources (films, downloadable books, audio files) to encourage you and give you additional tools as you build your platform. All that is required is for you to forward your purchase receipt to [email protected] to receive your download links!
I’m not an affiliate (though it’s probably silly of me not to be) but I am a serious fan of Michael Hyatt. He exudes the qualities I personally and professionally find admirable. He is an actively learning leader. He strategically implements best practices in every area of his life as he discovers and learns them. He pragmatically tackles that which is before him, not just sends his team to do it…he gets his hands dirty to learn new things. He encourages his clients and others to become who they are, and in his personal circle he actively seeks to mentor, share, and encourage others to grow and cultivates that growth with his gifts. He shares his faith as strongly as he shares his blog, most often by living it….not only talking by about it. He allows us to see him…to be human publicly..I love personally how he shares the successes, and allows us to celebrate them with him, and when he makes mistakes, he corrects them and asks forgiveness from those who were involved He loves his wife and five daughters and grandchildren, he purposefully works on learning how to show that love more fully as he goes…I love that.
Platform is an important book for authors, product producers, and message evangelist. I think it’s an important book for every professional who owns a business. Michael says that experiences that are meaningful “Wow” us, for that reason and so many others I can say confidently that Michael Hyatt has hit the mark, Platform is a WOW experience and the bonuses are not only a clever encouragement to get the book to the top lists, but is a pragmatic support system for those reading the book with the desire to build their own platform!
Well done Mr Hyatt! Thank you!