Today is the last day of Christmastide and its a good day. Chase is home now, as is Madison and we think Lesley Jr may be heading home tonight or tomorrow for a few days. Good stuff these family times.
Today I am heading out to a property of a friend of mine’s. He’s more elf than human most days, over 75, sprite and full of vinegar…..I wasn’t invited to take him to see his land, I was told….as I am most times he calls for assistance. Somehow the telling makes up for the fact he cannot drive anymore….not that that stops him much, he has a 3 wheeled bicycle and heaven help you if you get in his way on the street….so we’ll drive out mid day to a grown up farm that he longs to see and remember how things were and how he wishes they were still….then we will drive in again to the room he stays in now so that he is not alone and able to be looked after.
Last night the neighbor’s dogs were upset about something about 3 am. It was pure luxury to have a husband to wake up and say “what’s that” as opposed to being the single mom I was so many years who had to listen for every footstep and watch the back door when such things occured…..some of you think luxury is a fur coat, a sports car, or a day at the spa….I’m telling you in my life, luxury is having someone else to share this life with, all of it, the good, the challenging, and the sad….but today I am most particularly aware of the luxury of saying “did you hear that” and have someone actually get up to go see about it while I stayed warm in the covers.
I’m thinking (which is always dangerous in itself) that I’ve not had a girls day in a long time with another adult ……Nester tells me I should attend Blissdom in Nashville February 6 and 7th, and I don’t doubt it, but so far I’d have to get creative to fund such an adventure….but you know, its early yet and perhaps I will….
Mrs. Goofy….we must find time for at least breakfast soon! Ms Farrah….I think Atlanta in the spring should also be on the roadtrip schedule!
Once again, it amazes me to see how our lives are so similar. The single mom vs. married mom thing rings so true.