There is a part of my life that is so foreign to the way I earned a living for so many years as a teacher/presentor. For about fifteen hours a week I am a ghostwriter for authors, speakers, and business owners. I enjoy this work, the folks I work with. They are good people. Worthwhile, trying hard to improve the worlds they live in. I spend time on the phone with them, time reading their works, and then write for them. Sometimes its more an editing gig, but most times, from the relationships established, I am trusted to put into words the sentiments, teachings, or seminars they wish to share. For me, that means alot of homework on different subjects, points of view, and thinking. Its kinda my mpd moment each week….as I morph into being a life coach, an attorney reviewing cases, or a counselor who wishes to share points of how to live a healthier mental life…..then my office door opens again and I am wife, mom, and me…..its a transition that takes getting used to…..and one I am thankful to have.
As I sit here, I have meat and onions browning, a project uploaded and one uploading, my daughter is humming along with her school work….the fa leaves are outside and the sweet smell of our fireplace is looming through the house….its a good Monday!
Yesterday we visited another church….one that perhaps will become our church home. A thought that has continued to make me think is one from a friend “my church is on fire for God” and I think after much thinking….that perhaps I am not as interested on a church body known as “on fire” for the ones we have visited lately….well, there was much advertising, much show and fanfare, much talk….but in the church this weekend, there was much kindness, much humility, much lesson about its not our place to judge to live as one who wishes to be focused on their own lives, their own deeds, their own service, their own sharing of gifts….and then by living the light of journeying on the road of God that we all share in learning, living, together as imperfect in God.
One of the things that impressed us, besides the teaching, was the genuiness of the greetings before and after service. It wasn’t one or two designated hitters, it was 30-40 folks who knew we weren’t theirs….and more than handshakes but invitations, whether we joined or not, to become part of their fellowship of activities to know God….it was good.
We will continue to pray that God lead us to our new church home…but I am thankful today for the one we visited yesterday….
Finding a church home is so difficult. I personally do not find much spiritual fulfillment in our church, but my stepson loves it so much that we still go. After he leaves the nest I think we’ll go back to the small baptist church my husband and I are both accustomed to. Good luck!
Have a wonderful day!