Happy Monday! Monday is my bless the home day…and the first day of homeschooling each week. Isn’t that a misnomer really? At least in our home, homeschooling rarely stops. It seems that when we go out of town, we can pretty much relax out of it for a while, but then, as was the case on the road trip to North Arkansas, the road trip itself is such an education. There’s the historic places we went to enroute, not to mention Pappa’s antebellum, a home that was occupied during the war itself by three different generals…..and who couldn’t enjoy deep conversations about intermodal transportation when one is seeing paddle boats and steam driven boats? It just seems to flow naturally and now we keep a notebook of “things to research” when we get home…..and those indeed are three of the topics we’ll work on with our other work this first six weeks.
Last night I did five loads of laundry. I am not sure that laundry hasn’t learned to clone itself. My friend says that more of mine morphed itself at her house, and just after I’d tried so hard not to leave anything behind.
There was this article that I try to live by that says, if a child’s laundry requires more than two loads for all of it, they own too much. AMEN. The year I stuck closely to this requirement of no more than 14 items in their closet plus 2 Sunday sets, well, everything else work wise shrank and they took better care to keep up with it! Needless to say I have fallen off the wagon in Alabama, clothes came for Christmas, holidays and mail packages from family and what’s a mom to say “Return to sender” Son1 has enough tshirts to last until Jesus comes back if he never ever buys another one.
I broke down last night and yard sale bought (from Saturday) a traditional phone with caller i.d. I have made the made dash for a call more than once lately in my office or kitchen only to find the handset off in some child’s bedroom. No more. Children now may use THE phone attached to the kitchen wall. period. The others are off limits. If they cannot say something to their teenaged friends in the public kitchen , it probably doesn’t need to be said. We’ve always had a 10 minute phone limit, but I find that standing in the kitchen or sitting with the cord pulled down reduces phone needs completely. Who knew!
Today is a good day…..at least I’m making the decision that it will be productive, happy, and worthwhile. God is good…..and my home is proof once again of how blessed I am……
for so long I only imagined a home with a happy marriage, heathly children and a life one could only imagine.