Happy Monday to us all…..it came early today at the Berry house. Dear husband is enroute to Denver this morning, so we were up and running by 4 instead of 4:30…..what a difference an hour makes, I’m usually up at 4:30 but up and dressed for an airport is an entirely different goal. We do not use the heater in winter at night, so I usually have a timer to turn on our gas fireplace around 5:30 so it will be warm when the children wake up at 6. This morning with 27 degree weather outside, my master bath was truly 50 degrees due to our ever trusted for getting the room cold skylight. I love the light it brings, but it does so chill the room on cold days….makes one appreciate what living in a log home without tremendous chinking abilities must have been in the good old days.
The week has much promise this week. Writing projects, school projects, some more ice skating since we enjoyed it so last week. This week its just the three of us and the four dogs, one rabbit and three fish not to mention the cat so it’ll have a more laid back feel to the week’s evenings…..we’re even scheduled for the possibility of snow this week!
God is good, church was wonderful yesterday, many new concepts to ponder and verses to search out. We’re up and at ’em this Monday and I hope you are too!
God is good, keep him in your huddle this week!
Happy Monday to you!