It seems someone wanted to get up at 5:45 today. Same boy who didn’t get out of his bed until 7:05 today, is that some kind of alarm clock dyslexia? Mondays are the one day I shoot for sleeping in until 6 or so….but of course, wanting not to forget to wakeup son2, I got up at 5:30 so I could be in his room at 5:45 so he could then turn over and snooze until 7:05. Makes sense doesn’t it…..teenage union rule #4 “Never get out of bed upon the first waking”
I am so thankful that Mrs. Goofy’s son is not injured in a horrible looking wreck this weekend. He was sent to get milk and instead it seems redesigned his dad’s car’s body. Interesting art, but probably not as good on fuel efficiency when side tires now turn inward.
The little children sang so well and did their parts clearly yesterday. I was so tickled with them, though we missed a few that were travelling or had other issues….(one friend of mine will do anything to miss church choir…this time she had her wisdom teeth cut out) After they sang they sat with their parents after coming by me for the loot (sugar free bubble gum packs for all) as they quietly had their hand out as practiced so I could hand one up to each ot them. Thankfully no bubbles were popped in church. And all trash was brought to me at the end just as we’d discussed.
Its homecoming week for my son’s high school. This year we have “ahem” an escort to the activity…..and the escort is a she….but of course we’re not to notice that, nor want to know the details, nor be overly involved, after all we’re just the Mother. Ha! I already like the other mother, she jumped at the scary movie they hosted for son2 to come meet them for parental approval and just as we’d do, ALL members of the family were there for movie night. Darling friend, her twin sister, her parents……all the privacy a 15 year old needs. NONE.
Yesterday on our street several big children’s toys were put out for collection. I sent Dh over to collect. We have a 13 month old friend who will love the little car, wagon, and mini jungle gym. Dh is so kind about such things, and he’ll deliver them to the cute girl later today! Wahoo for generous folks who share what they no longer need! All of them looked brand new and had been wiped down before they were picked up. I simply wiped them down again and reloaded them for drop off.
Son1 is making it at college. He is so ready for his paycheck from his job here to be deposited. Unfortunately for him, they couldn’t read his handwriting, so it was 5 more days before the manager called back for me to give them his address…..I hate it for him, but the echoes of “they have to be able to read that” do resonate in my head from years of the discussion….I bet they did in his too after her phone call.
Daughter 1 has emailed to let us know she has a wedding date picked out next April. We continue to pray for her wisdom in this decision, for we are questioning some of the concepts going on in their relationship, but we will not argue against this union.
Monday is home blessing hour first off after I get a writing project completed. Then on to the family chores between other projects, and homeschooling all afternoon. This year it is simply working better for daughter 2 during her asthma season to do 12-3:30 for school time. Its different for this morning mother, but it works for us.
Our thoughts are indeed what define who we are, how Christ works within us. If we open our mind only to his ways, his love, his righteousness, we grow closer to Him and he reveals to us more wisdom and understanding of his love and peace and plan for our lives. When we allow our thoughts to be full of fear, anger, upset, and strife, our holy spirit is quieted, our instruction lost and our hearts and minds continually saddened. Our faith sets us free, our faith allows God healing to cure us, our faith literally rewrites the canvas of our memories and brain and changes us….even science is now able to show that….then why oh why is it still so hard for us to keep our minds in the presence of all we have to be thankful for and the God who created such a life as this for us?
In Mark 9:33 Jesus reprimanded Peter “Get away from me Satan! You are seeing things merely from a human point of view , not from God’s” Points of view… often do we as humans assume our point of view is more important that our heavenly fathers? I know lately I am so very aware that my point of view is extremely limited and short sighted, and I am trying very hard to continually ask God for His point of view on where I am and what I should do. Where is your point of view coming from today?
May God richly bless you and your journey today