“You’re ruining my life…..my gosh mom…no one else’s mother expects the trash to be taken out E V E R Y day”
“I bet so and so’s mother doesn’t ground the for a C”
“My life is over you know…..no one else at 15 has to do what their parents say”
“I guess you know you’re sentencing me to social outcast when you turn off my texting”
ah….this motherhood experience….such a sweet journey.
and about the time I got home from taking him to school…my self sufficient, doesn’t need mothering son called to say….”Can you bring the homework I left on the table?”
Job security…..
Overheard at my house this week…
"Why is there a banana in the bathtub?"
"Please get your finger out of his nose!"
"Why is the trash can on your head?"
Somehow… I think my week has been MUCH easier than yours. ๐